Truffle Treasures

Truffle Treasures was established in 2007 in the Goldfields Region of central Victoria using Holly Oak trees inoculated with Tuber melanosporum (the Perigord black truffle).

Our aim is to bring people and truffles together, so that the enjoyment of this culinary delicacy can be widely shared. We have been hosting truffle events since 2010 in order to showcase cultivation of truffles in Australia while providing the opportunity for people to experience the sight, texture, aroma and taste of earth’s ‘black gold’ first hand.

We welcome visitors to our purpose-built Truffle Treasure Trove, which provides dedicated space for showcasing the extraordinary characteristics of the mysterious black truffle – in the comfort of our cosy wood fire.

We aspire to master the management of our truffiere to establish the environment for our black truffles to thrive. This is tricky business! There is a great deal that we have learned about successful truffle cultivation along the way, however there remains a great deal more to learn! Success involves a combination of art, science and Lady Luck.

Our journey has included locating a helpful tree supplier, baseline soil testing, deep-ripping across the crest of a hill, and the application of 54 tons of lime to the hectare to ensure a soil pH in the alkaline range suited to black truffle cultivation.

Trees were painstakingly planted (in the depths of winter, no less) in neat, straight rows. ‘Et voila’, four years later we harvested our first ‘black gold’.

Of course, it wasn’t quite that simple; there was irrigation to establish, weeds to control (which incidentally loved the new rich growing conditions), pruning as the trees became established, more soil tests, more soil additives, dogs to acquire and train, and lots of praying that we were on the right track.


Walden Park


Mineral Springs Truffles