Munash Organics

Munash Organics originated on our very own organic farm just beyond Ballarat. Our expertise lies in developing organic soil health solutions customized for farmers, gardeners, and indoor plant enthusiasts in search of natural and impactful methods to enhance soil, crop, and plant well-being. With a focus on enriching soil structure and elevating nutrient levels with our range of mineral fertilisers and soil conditioners.

Your Products: All of our products are certified organic with NASAA 3803M.

Indoor Plant Care (Soil Food, Seaweed Tonic, Foliage Spray)
Garden Care (Rockminerals and Seaweed Liquids)
Agriculture/ Commercial (Rockminerals fertilisers, soil conditioners, bulk compost, foliar sprays and biostimulants)

Where can people buy your products: Online, in Store


Miners Ridge Wines


Brick Lane Bagels