grow / connect / share
Meet the artisan makers, growers and producers in the Central Highlands of Victoria.
If it can be grown from our soil or produced locally, you’ll find it here!
Creating a sustainable and healthy Australia starts with the way that we connect with our food. We support passionate farmers and producers to grow, thrive and collaborate with each other and to provide a space for consumers to source pure, healthy food that comes from the rich soils and lush landscapes of the Central Highlands in Victoria creating a sustainable, resilient and robust food system.
The diverse, artisanal produce from our region is full of character, passion and integrity. Many producers adopt a holistic, regenerative approach that supports local food sovereignty and ensures high value goods are delivered from farm to table.
The Central Highlands Region in Victoria encompasses 6 Shire areas of over 14,600 square kilometres and stretches along the Great Dividing Range from The Grampians in the West to the Lerderderg State Park in the East and from the Golden Plains in the South to The Pyrenees in the North.
The Central Highlands region supports a range of cropping, livestock and boutique growers and producers of a diverse and growing range of produce.